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       That's the Spirit!

       Winter mini-series of spiritual topics with guided meditations

  Where: Eva's Room, Old Arts School Centre, 5 Stewart St, Raglan/Whaingaroa

   When:Free Introductory evening and bliss balls Tuesday July 16th at 6.30 pm

                       Four follow up dates:July 23/31 and August 6/20

           Details: Facebook Raglan Notice Board and  Facebook AnnwynVibe

       New Release 'Portals'  Click here to read all about it (Annwyn's chapter is               Stepping into the Fire)

  • Annwyn's new book 'The Light in the Abbey' is getting nearer. Click here to read an excerpt.

  • Annwyn's first book, extensively revised and energetically updated, as 'Flying in the Face of Grief', it will be available in print again soon. Click here to read an excerpt.

  • Divine Love Ambassadors Podcast interview - see Media page 

  • Upcoming workshop - Tabaash and Annwyn's new collaboration later this year!

Walking with your highest version 

Every single soul incarnated on Earth chose to live through this time of extraordinary transition on Earth. However, most are unaware of their sacred journey.

Humanity is undergoing a  ‘shift’ or an 'upgrade' to their spiritual consciousness. This means we are moving away from  perceiving Life through the lens our human nature.  Instead, we are now walking back to perceive and live Life from our Divine Nature. We are literally rebirthing ourselves through consciousness.

As you are probably well aware, this profound transition involves releasing our old, limited ways of seeing ourselves, others, events and the universe we live in. Our lives are about to change in dramatic and wonderful ways ... even more so when we align with the energies and vibrational frequencies of our Divine/God/Source Nature. 

The wonderful part is that we are already Divine. But, it has been overshadowed by our acquired human conditioning over many incarnations. We have work to do!

It has taken me twenty years to evolve out of my human nature. I have worked with mentors, attended numerous workshops, trained as an energy healer, travelled to sacred sites and read countless books. It won't take you twenty years, because the energies on earth now support this transition. Light workers such as myself have paved the way to make it much easier for others to step deeply into their God Nature, underpinned by the 'Christed Consciousness'.

At the request of my guides, I offers events that align with the  potentials of  'power dates' such as solstice, equinox, stargates and so forth that assist the release of the old human nature and activate or 'reboot' the Divine nature.

New subscribers get a 20% discount on personal sessions

Life's New Rituals event poster

'I really enjoyed this workshop. There was so much richness offered by Annwyn and Blair &Tabaash. Thank you so much for your meditations, divine sound codes and for our "homework”.  The whole workshop was delightful and life changing. I look forward to the workshop in November. Please put me on the list!'  - Kirsten  

'Dear Annwyn and Blair, thank you for putting together a wonderful format for learning, sharing and creating community.'  - Verna Carr, Whitianga

'It was a sacred weekend we shared last weekend. It has been a blessing to our whole family and will continue to inspire and remind us of the Gods we are. Thank you so much for embodying your heart and fearlessly creating the opportunity for so many people to connect and unite together. And thank you also for the amazing recordings.' - Michael 

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