January is the gateway we walk through as we leave the previous year and enter the next. January is named after a greatly revered Roman God, Janus, who presides over all kinds of transitions – beginnings and endings, including births and deaths. Although shown with two faces - one looking to the past and the other to the future, he does not suggest having a foot in each timeline, but instead reminds us of the perpetual cycles of life.
January is the passageway between the different energies and potentials each year uniquely offers. Rather like the time spent in the spirit realms between our lives in physicality on Earth. (Not that Spirit ‘does time,’ but you’ll get my drift).
Janus/January, therefore, is the perfect month to release
‘Flying in the Face of Grief,’ because my memoir is all about
transitions and their potential transformations.
There are two deaths in my memoir: the temporary release of physical life for my teen son, Tim, and my own death … and, importantly, my living resurrection. By this I refer to the release of my human identity and ego and, the revival of my innate God nature. Afterall, isn’t this what we returned in this lifetime?
In this way, my new book is also a Janus of sorts, a doorway describing my son’s transition from death to the afterlife and, between life. But, also a mother’s shaky transition while transcending emotional human grief into a higher version. Finally, after many dark nights of the soul, she gains access to non-human love; the divine love of Source. Here, she finds her son again, and here, she understands there is no death, because the only separation between the physical and non-physical plane is consciousness.
“Death is a stripping away of all that is not you.
The secret of life is to "die before you die"
And find that there is no death.”
Eckhart Tolle
"This book holds the keys to activate our deeper awareness of eternal life. Through the author's journey we see how the loss of a loved one opens the potential to find a deep love for ourselves. ANNWYN leaves no doubt that grief is our greatest guide into the heart of our truth. She has clearly mapped the way for us all, in sharing herself so intimately within this powerfully, beautiful book. I loved every word."
Janine Savient, 'The Heart Lady'
Pre-order here:
Tip for NZ readers: Early pre-orders often attract free postage, as do 2 copies or more – we all know somebody going through grief that at some point accompanies change and transitions of all kinds.
Wishing you a year filled with spiritual growth, and an ever-increasing love and peace to be found through your endeavours,