CONTENTS: A Nomadic Phase ~ Staying Connected ~ Inspired new workshop ~ NZ print copies of FLYING IN THE FACE OF GRIEF

A new nomadic phase dawns for me, and for others. Perhaps this is something most people would find daunting, especially when entering their 7th decade. However, when one is fully aligned with Source, there is nothing daunting about anything. Granted, it’s partly to do with wisdom garnered at this beautiful stage of life, but it’s mostly to do with the consciousness embodied. But this certainty within the unknown demands constancy of alignment with Source ... across ALL aspects of life.
Furthemore, it requires a high level of detachment. Even completion of a relatively brief or decades-long sacred union and the leaving of beautiful a home can be done without heartache … even if one would dearly love to take one's cat!
Detachment is something many will be working with in ever-deepening degrees. Eventually arriving at a place of realisation that the true nature of NO-THING means owning nothing but one's relationships ~ with Source ~ with Ourselves ~ with Gaia. The irony is that by the time one has remembered how to manifest with ease, there is very little of the physical world of interests!
Light workers are often targeted by those wishing to uphold the status quo; profiles can be blocked or removed without right of reversal. With this uncertain nature of social media platforms it is prudent to use more than one platform, and subscribe to websites of those you wish to stay connected.
As well as being highly beneficial feel connected to our many Families of Light, it is wise to stay informed about insights, events & offerings that are aligned with adjusting to living in the Age of Aquarius. Very often a word or phrase triggers soul memories. Our guides are using every way available to them to progress our evolution, including inspiring new workshops, webinars, movies, books and so forth. Which ties neatly to the next topic ...

Inspired by Morgan and Anna (Grandmother of Yeshua), a brand new workshop, 'G.R.I.E.F.'
is designed to shift our Human Nature experience of love into the domain of our Highest Nature.
Together we will explores the deepest, richest gifts offered through the journey of loss and grief ~ transcending Human Nature.
Ironically, one of the most powerful ways of reconnecting with our Highest Nature lies along the pathway of grief that comes in a plethora of forms.
This, dear hearts, is the true relevance and reason for the presence of grief in our lives. Launching on the Kapiti Coast, March 22nd, full details here

In protest at the exorbitant cost of $24 for shipping 'across the ditch,’FLYING IN THE FACE OF GRIEF IS' about to fly off a Wellington printing press!
(Add $5.40 for rural addresses, sorry)
Overseas readers can still buy through all bookstores and Amazon ~ PLEASE remember to leave a review! You wouldn’t believe how this helps unsure readers to buy it! And, by ordering it through your favourite store, it encourages the seller to stock the book. eBooks available too.
A recent review from a reader in the USA, “Thank you for sharing your incredible journey through grief and transformation. I related to so many parts, sharing similar experiences with my growth journey. I took away several points, context, messages I feel were intended for me. One of my favourites, ‘Who cares, and so what! I love that!” Elizabeth.
In closing ~ how quickly the gateway of Janus has passed, and now we meet the energies of February. Valentines Day- related merchandise will soon assault us once again - reflecting the conditional nature of the acquired love most humans experience. Make February a time of the highest expression of your innate Divine Love,for that is who you truly are.
PS: We invite a new home for darling Katoosh, who currently lives on the
southern fringes of Lake Taupo and is a wonderful companion.
